
François Faucher and his wife Line Thivierge
At the age of 11, François Faucher showed unusual aptitudes for drawing. His parents gave him an assortment of brushes, oil paints and canvases. He presents two paintings in a competition held in his hometown. He won first prize with a work depicting a landscape and third prize with a reproduction of Van Gogh's self-portrait.
At 15, he met the one who would become his wife and later, his agent, Line Thivierge. She was at his side when he began his career as a painter at the age of 16. Indeed, François Faucher's real passion for this art is declared when he sees his mother taking painting lessons. It was from this moment that he decided to resume his brushes to then participate in several exhibitions in his region.
In 1989, when he was considering leaving his career as an architect, François Faucher asked his wife if she would agree to be his agent. She says yes. A month later, it's done. From an architect, he became a professional painter and Line abandoned her biologist's smock to become an artist's agent. The adventure begins.
Since becoming a professional painter, the artist has only one goal: to have “vibrationism” recognized internationally in an important way and he works tirelessly to achieve this goal during his lifetime.

Born in Thetford Mines (Quebec, Canada) in 1959, François Faucher has been painting since the age of 16.
He considers himself a self-taught painter, although in 1978 and 1979 he attended two free workshop sessions with the famous Quebec artist Albert Rousseau.
He studied architecture at Laval University and graduated in 1983. Two years later, he became a member of the Ordre des architectes du Québec. During all these years of study and work, he never stopped painting. All his free time is devoted to his art. In 1989, he decided to give up his career in order to paint full time and to promote his new style. Much to the artist's delight, “vibrationism” has now gained recognition in Canada, the United States and France.
At the start of his career, François Faucher painted landscapes and still lifes. But over time, as he received musical training in his youth and music is what makes him vibrate the most, it becomes his favorite subject and soon occupies more than 80% of his production. Today, anything that influences him in everyday life can also become a subject to be exploited, such as sports, children, professions and travel. His painting is constantly evolving towards different subjects. Faces, sometimes deformed, sometimes split in two, often very colorful, have now appeared on his paintings.
Honorary presidencies
La Prairie (Quebec)
Guest of honor, Expo Galerie de l’Association des artistes peintres
affiliés de la Rive-Sud (AAPARS)
Saguenay (Quebec)
Guest of honor, Symposium international de peinture et sculpture
du Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean

Mrs. Gisèle Gravel, President and François Faucher / TVA interview / Signature book / Cake

Quebec (Quebec)
Honorary President, Symposium du Carnaval de Québec
Bonhomme Carnaval, François Faucher and Mr. Jean-Paul Lapointe, artist and friend
Thetford Mines (Quebec)
Honorary President, Happening de l’Art Blanc

François Faucher, Mrs. Agnès Maltais, ex-deputy for Taschereau, Mr. Marc Bouliane and Mr. Serge Hémond, organizer
2004 2003
Thetford Mines (Quebec)
Honorary President, Festival de la Relève

François Faucher with Polo, singer of the Frères à Cheval / with the members of the organization of the Festival de la Relève / with Mr. Charles Faucher
Exceptional guest, Salon International d’Art de Bourges

François Faucher and Mrs. Luce Dalle, President
Cap Rouge (Quebec)
Honorary President, Festival DécouvrArt
Quebec (Quebec)
Honorary President, Symposium d'Art de Québec

François Faucher and Mrs. Marie-Klaudia Dubé, organizer
Ancienne-Lorette (Quebec)
Honorary President, 11e Salon de novembre des Mains d'Art
Awards and Recognition
Thetford Mines (Quebec)
Recipient of the Zénith Cultural Trophy, Gala Zénith of the
Chambre de commerce et d'industrie de Thetford Mines

François Faucher receives his trophy
Official painter of the "Organisation de la musique en entreprise" (OME)

François Faucher and Mrs. Solange Rilos-Letourneur, President of the OME
2011 to today
Toronto (Ontario)
Biography in Canadian Who's Who.
This reference book contains the biography
over 10,000 Canadians selected for their merit.
1999 1998
Mascouche (Quebec)
Bourse Loto-Québec, Festival de peinture de Mascouche

François Faucher receives his prize
Friends of vibrationism

This illustrious painter is one of those who inspired me at the start of my career. But, since I created the vibrationist, I let myself be guided by the events of my life.

I have always admired his artistic approach, which is different from that of other artists.

International personalities
Canadian personalities

Olympic medalist in short track speed skating

François Faucher has participated in more than
30 TV shows in different countries

Montreal (Quebec)
Interview with Danielle Ouimet,
BlaBlaBla broadcast on TVA
Slideshow, Portrait de François Faucher, le vibrationniste, 2016
TVCRA, "Portrait d'artiste", 2009
TVCÉ, "François Faucher, le vibrationniste", 2014
Nous TV, "Espace public, François Faucher", 2016

François Faucher Vibrationnisme / Vibrationism, Quebec, 1997, 48 p.
(ISBN 2-9805290-0-1)
André Debray, Faucher vibrationniste 25 ans de carrière, Quebec, 2002, 72 p. (ISBN 2-9805290-1-X)
Thetford Mines (Québec)
Book covers
and magazines